The pandemic has greatly affected our daily routines and social interactions. This is also true for business owners. COVID-19 has impacted the way they operate their business and hold gatherings and all types of events. 

The post-COVID event planning was significantly different compared to the pre-COVID times. The event planning before the virus prompted individuals and business owners to share their ideas and plans for having an event; whereas, post-COVID event planning requires thorough planning and strict monitoring to avoid unnecessary risks.

Here are five ways on how you can effectively manage your event in a post-COVID world.

1. Apply Effective Hygiene Standards and Routines

For event planners, implement effective hygiene standards and routines in order to keep your attendees safe and healthy. At the venue, avoid overcrowding and unhygienic practices, and avoid sharing personal items such as lipsticks and lip balms. The venue should have proper ventilation, a food preparation and storage area and washrooms.

One of the biggest challenges for event planners is to ensure that attendees will maximise the use of the facilities. In having an event, it is important that you look for venues that can hold more than expected attendees in case the numbers keep increasing. During the event, it is not advisable to allow attendees to bring food and drinks that are not served at the venue. You should have enough supplies of food, drinks and serving utensils.

2. Comply with Government Restrictions

There are several government restrictions in place that you should comply to in order to ensure that the event is safe and successful. For instance, some countries have certain regulations prohibiting the consumption of alcohol during a certain time.

Another regulation is the requirement of permits, licenses and zoning permits. With these, the event planner will know if there is a need to secure any of these permits. As part of the permits, you are required to inform the local government about your event and get their approval about it.

3. Social Distancing Measures 

This is especially important in case there is a death or an increase in the number of infected cases. Because of the strict measures, it is important that you make sure that attendees should not spread the virus further.

Social distancing involves limiting physical contact in order to prevent the spread of the virus. This is to be implemented in the following ways:

  • Using masks and gloves and other personal protective equipment.
  • Attendees should avoid kissing, hugging, or shaking hands.
  • Attendees should use separate bathrooms and washing facilities.
  • Attendees should avoid sharing personal items such as lipsticks and lip balms.

4. Advanced Technology

Since the post-COVID world has become a more intelligent one, they have developed ways to come up with technology that can effectively and efficiently manage their events. For instance, they are now coming up with big screens that can be put in the venue for the guests to know about the current happenings.

Furthermore, there is also wireless technology that is used to transmit the voice and video of the party to a separate location; and this is very effective in ensuring that the event coordinators and party organisers can watch the video and assess the current condition of the venue.

5. Proper Communication Efforts

Communication is the most important aspect in managing events. In having events, it is important to communicate effectively with the event attendees to ensure that they know and understand the procedures that you will implement in case there is an outbreak or a tragic incident.

This means that you are to share the latest information and updates with your attendees to educate and inform them about the measures that they need to consider.


To effectively manage your event in a post-COVID world, it is important that you implement all the tips that we have provided. You have to be thorough in your plans and be well-informed as much as possible about the current events and policies in place.

Unidus offers a function room in Brisbane to hold any type of event, from wedding receptions to corporate events. Let us manage your venue so that you can focus on your guests and the success of your event. Contact us today!